“I am writing to thank you once again for the fantastic work you’ve done with the garden. As I told you, the space is transformed and we are really enjoying using it for the first time in ages. I would highly recommend your services to anyone who is looking for fast, efficient work with a keen eye for good detail. I wish you and your team all the best for the future. Best wishes, P.Lumley-Savile, Fulham.”

“Regarding Garden Fencing at above, thank you for a job well done. The service you provided was professional and completed to my satisfaction and I would recommend your services to future clients. Yours sincerely, J.C. Walsh, Chiswick”

“Thanks for sorting out my garden and getting it under control. It really is a pleasure to come home and enjoy a glass of wine in it now. It looks so much better – I love it! I feel like I can finally enjoy the summer in a calm and relaxing space. Best wishes, T. Whiteson, Surbiton”

“Your drawings were by far the best we’ve seen. Thank you. ” K. Westlake, Hampstead

“Thank you for such a great job, it’s totally transformed the space and now the boys have places to play and we can use it more now.” A. Fowlar, Guildford